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Fruity here was created with multiple images of fruit. My goal was to create a cute cool dude who was one of a kind and a little out of the ordinary. I tried to imcorperate my favouite fruits so show a little about myself.






Having a love for horses I wanted to incorperate them in my rememberance poster. I wanted to show what some of the scenery would have possibly looked like while while at war to encourage people to see why we remeber. This poster consists of 5 pictures which I put together to create one poster of remeberance.


Digital Imagery

This photogrid was created to demonstartae line and unity. All the photos that take place in this photogrid consist of many lines to create an image. The arangement and colour of theses photos give the veiwer the feeling that all the pictures belong together and that all the images plaved together create a whole like image. It gave the grid a feeling of unity beacyse they share commom elements, line and colour. 

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